
Uzm. Dr. Dt. Orhan SALMANLI
Personal Information
EXP. Dr . Dt. Orhan SALMANLI serves in Antera Dental Clinic for orthodontic treatments and is interested in sports and travel in the time left over from his profession.
Education Information
He was born in Baku in 1981. After starting his education at Primary School No. 46 in Azerbaijan, he settled in Turkey and graduated from Adana Abdurrahim Gizar Primary School while continuing his education. He continued his education at Hacı Sabancı High School in Mersin. he started his undergraduate education at Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry in 2000 and started his academic life as a doctoral student /research assistant in the Department of Orthodontics in 2007. in 2012, he received the title of doctor of science with his thesis titled ”Histopathological and Histomorphometric Evaluation of Bone Changes Caused by the Installation of Different Orthodontic Mini-Screws". After his expertise was registered by the Ministry of Health, he made many oral and written communiques at home and abroad. English Russian and fluent in the language.